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Lecture 3 - Developer tools, project management & robot kinematics

  • Monday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Week 3’s lecture will provide a overview on common developer tools (Git(hub), Markdown), fundamentals of project management and a basic view of robot kinematics specific to limo.

  • Git(hub)
    • What is Git, its aims and why we need/use it.
    • Git vs Github.
    • Common workflows
    • Basic usage
  • Project management
    • Vendor and BOM management
    • Time and Budget planning.
  • Robot Kinematics
    • What are the different types of robot locomotion, strengths and weaknesses.
    • Limo specific kinematics.

While the concepts covered are non-exhaustive by any means, it should cover most (if not all) that a student will need during the duration of the course. With that in mind, students are still encouraged to explore more advanced concepts to broaden what they are able to do in the their projects.

Further information regarding week 3’s prelab and lab will be provided during the lecture.

Lecture resources