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Lecture 5 - ActionLib & ROS Navigation (Planning)

  • Monday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Week 5’s lecture will provide a overview on the ROS navigation stack, localisation and move_base from the actionlib package.

  • Navigation stack
    • Map-based navigation
    • Packages commonly used for navigation
  • Localisation
    • What is localisation
    • AMCL
      • Package details
      • Setting up the node
  • Move_base
    • What is move_base
    • Global and local costmaps
      • Package details
      • Costmap layers
    • Global and local planners
      • Planners used by Limo robot
      • Trajectory tuning and cost function

While the concepts covered are non-exhaustive by any means, it should cover most (if not all) that a student will need during the duration of the course. With that in mind, students are still encouraged to explore more advanced concepts to broaden what they are able to do in the their projects.

Further information regarding week 5’s prelab and lab will be provided during the lecture.

Lecture resources