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Lecture 4 - Gazebo & ROS Navigation (Mapping)

  • Monday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm


Week 4’s lecture will provide a overview on simulations, Gazebo worlds and ROS integration. We will also be beginning our look into ROS navigation stack.

  • Simulations
    • What are simulations and why are they useful
    • Physics engines
    • Gazebo
      • GUI
      • ROS Integration
  • 3D printing
    • How 3D printing works
    • 3D printing vs traditional manufacturing
  • ROS Navigation
    • Sensors used for localisation and mapping
    • Coordinate transformation
    • SLAM

While the concepts covered are non-exhaustive by any means, it should cover most (if not all) that a student will need during the duration of the course. With that in mind, students are still encouraged to explore more advanced concepts to broaden what they are able to do in the their projects.

Further information regarding week 4’s prelab and lab will be provided during the lecture.

Lecture resources